Garlic is temperate plant that can withstand the continental winters when winters in the form of underground bulb. It can be grown in many kinds of soils, but yields in rich medium depth fields. It is very demanding plant nutrient elements (N 25 units, 15 and 25 phosphorus potassium), especially the foreign varieties, which form large bulbs with a few large cloves. The addition of at least half the amount of N should be in organic form. When it rains in the spring two to three times (at least 40mm. Each time) culture does not need irrigation.
The field to be cultivated garlic must be prepared by the end of summer and has been treated with hoe or cultivator just before planting cloves. The cloves are placed on the vertical arm to a depth of 4.6 cm (the sandy deeper) at a distance of 7 cm on the line and 25 m. Between lines. The carved cultivation and weeding when needed to combat weeds.
Garlic is used in Ole cuisines of the world as a seasoning for the characteristic flavor that gives to food. For the pharmaceutical properties of widely used in dietary supplements preparations in individuals with hypertension, elevated cholesterol and blood lipids, and generally about the favorable effects of the cardiovascular system.